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Tom Green – Tom Green Country

Do these three Prime projects combine to form a single, cohesive portrait? And why the urge to take a look back now?

They do all sort of complement each other. The documentary comes out first, and then the standup special, and then the series — which is about about my life on the farm. You might want to watch them in that order.      
      I’ve always been very passionate about [The Tom Green Show] — and I kept all the footage. Still have it in storage. Thousands of hours of tape. It was kept with the intention of wanting to use it in some capacity. I think there’s even more that could be done. There was so much funny stuff that we were not able to fit into the documentary . . .
      The [original] show was before social media; I was doing stuff with my video camera that you see commonly on a TikTok or YouTube channel today — the pranks and the on-the-street comedy. I was excited to be able to tell the story.

Tom Green Country on Prime Video. Pictured: Tom Green and his dog Charley.
Amazon MGM Studios

Reflecting on those early days, was it ever difficult pushing boundaries that people didn’t really want to see pushed?

Honestly, at the time, I was in my 20s and it was probably the most fun you could ever imagine having. I was a guest on my hero David Letterman’s show — and got to guest-host it. When the show got picked up by MTV, it opened up this whole world that I’d only dreamed of ever happening. I didn’t know how big it was going to get; I just was happy to have a TV show. But the fact that all of a sudden I was invited onto Oprah — who had me and my parents on — and then hosting Saturday Night Live and directing my own movie . . . All of this stuff happened so fast that it was just kind of thrilling, you know? It wasn’t until a few years later that things became more normal . . . then there was criticism of my film Freddy Got Fingered, which was really difficult; I had cancer, of course, at the same time I was on the air. I had to deal with juggling all these things. So, that was where it took an unexpected turn that I’d never really anticipated — being subjected to that. I just thought we were having fun and making a funny show.

Tom Green Country on Prime Video. Pictured: Tom Green and his mule Fanny.
Amazon MGM Studios

      The documentary takes you through that, and then onto the next chapter — which was, after the show, I started broadcasting from my living room and created this . . . what would now be called a “podcast,” and went on to keep doing what I love. That’s the thing I’m excited for people to see, and I’m excited for young people to see who want to get into this business — there are lots of bumps in the road and you can’t quit just because you get a little setback. I had cancer, my movie was not well-reviewed by Ebert & Siskel [laughs] — and I had to decide to keep going. Now here I am, all these years later. I’ve moved back to Canada, I’ve got this beautiful farm, and I’m producing three shows . . . I’m busier than I’ve been in my entire career. It’s amazing that you can go through these ups and downs, and sometimes feel like this is impossible to overcome, but if you keep your mind to it and keep doing what you love, then you can prevail.

When you were so young and experiencing all of these surreal things, was it tough to overcome anxiety and appreciate the moment?

Very much so. You think, “This is the moment.” And that’s something I wish I knew at the time — every single time you’re on-camera, your whole life isn’t riding on it. I think that would’ve helped me relax a little bit more.

Tom Green Country, streaming on Prime Video


Evolving from humble beginnings on cable-access TV in Ottawa to a nationwide hit on Comedy Network to a global sensation on MTV, The Tom Green Show and its titular prankster pushed the boundaries of shock comedy throughout the ’90s, turning Tom into an unlikely superstar — notorious for the outrageous. In 2001, he also parlayed that success into writing, directing and starring in cult hit Freddy Got Fingered.


Green returned with a vengeance in early 2025, via three projects for Prime Video: This Is the Tom Green Documentary, standup special Tom Green: I Got a Mule! and, lastly, reality series Tom Green Country about his adventures leaving L.A. to start anew on a farm in Ottawa.

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