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Clean Slate on Prime Video: Pictured: Henry, played by George Wallace and Desiree played by Lavern Cox.

Clean Slate  A trans woman returns to her Alabama home to mend her frayed relationship with her estranged father in the final sitcom from the late NORMAN LEAR For many years it was a widely accepted “fact” that the cells in the human body die off and are replaced with new cells every seven to 10…

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You’re Cordially Invited on Prime Video. Pictured: Reese Witherspoon looks on while Will Ferrell wrestles alligator.

You’re Cordially Invited  Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell square off in this comedy flick about a wedding-venue booking snafu that turns into all-out war Whatever can go wrong WILL go wrong, especially during a meticulously planned, once-in-a-lifetime event. The new Prime Video original film You’re Cordially Invited tests the limits of Murphy’s Law when two wedding parties…

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Cruel Intentions on Prime Video. Pictured: Annie Grover (Savannah Lee Smith) and Lucien Belmont (Zac Burgess) simmer and swim.

Cruel Intentions  Inside the updated reboot of hit 1999 thriller Cruel Intentions When Cruel Intentions was released in 1999, the cult film not only cemented the careers of Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillippe and Sarah Michelle Gellar, it captured the attention of legions of millennials who were perhaps unfamiliar with its 1782 source material, Les Liaisons Dangereuses.…

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